Monteluco di Spoleto
7 km from the city
800 meters above sea level
Albergo Ristorante Ferretti
Albergo Ristorante
The Ferretti, from over three generations, carry out their activity in Monteluco in the family hotel.
The appreciation of a faithful and always larger clientele, is the best recognition for this work carried out with passion and honesty.

23 rooms for 2, 3, 4 seats with bathroom and telephone Restaurant, Pizzeria, Bar, Conference Room, Parking, Garden Park, Games for children
Groups acceptance
Convivenze religiose, campi scuola per ragazzi, vacanze studio, gruppi turistici di passaggio.

The main feature of our restaurant is the veranda called Il Giardino d’Inverno, preferred by all the most loyal customers for being surrounded by the holm oak wood and for the presence of the fireplace where roasts are cooked on the grill.
During the summer, the outdoor restaurant surrounded by greenery transforms the banquet into a day of total refreshment.